TCA Partners
The Alliance extends to our financial partners who provide assistance to various projects and programs. TCA has had multiple donors and supporters in the past and we thank them and acknowledge them for their support.
TCA’s Current Partners
Rainforest Trust
Birdlife International
European Union with implementing partner Birdlife International
Perth Zoo
PNG Government
Krefeld Zoo
Rostock Zoo
Frankfurt Zoo
Tierpark Berlin
Various Individuals who donate via the website
University Partners
Deakin University – Camera trapping research
Canberra University – Orchid survey
Mr. Chris Talie – Resident of Aitape/Lumi District and employed by the Department of Justice in Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea
Mr Roger Martin – retired Tree Kangaroo expert
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There are many valuable ways in which you can contribute to the Tenkile Conservation Alliance’s vision – which is, the people of PNG value and protect their natural resources, their community and their culture.
Click 'Contribute' button below to learn more.