Seri’s Tree Kangaroo
Family: Macropodidae
Genus: Dendrolagus
Species: stellarum
Characteristics: part of the Doria’s complex. Very young animals have a bright yellow tail and very dark body. Older animals have a darker tail with silvery tips on the limbs.
Males: 9.5 kg (Average weight)
Females: 6.8 kg (Average weight)
Distribution: Upper montane forest in mossy alpine areas to the west and central areas of New Guinea.
Elevation: above 2,600 – 3,200 meters above sea level.
Diet: Very little is known about its diet.
Reproduction: Very little known but possibly breeds year round with perhaps a young born each year.
Conservation Status: Vulnerable (IUCN)
Local Names: not recorded.
Social Structure: Very little is known about the social structure except that specimens have been found as solitary animals or females with young.
Seri’s Tree Kangaroo (Dendrolagus stellarum) resides in montane forests in western and central areas of the island of New Guinea. It is found at elevations of 2600-3200m within a potential range of 30,000 square kilometres. D. stellarum is brown in colour with silver-tipped markings on its back, legs and arms are more apparent and distinctive. Adult males weigh up to 9.5kg whilst females weigh up to 6.8kg. Seri’s Tree Kangaroo has reduced in numbers in parts of its range and is classified as vulnerable.
Mammals of new Guinea – Tim Flannery (1995) and
Tree Kangaroos – a curious natural history – Tim Flannery, Roger Martin and Alexandra Szalay (1996).
Illustrations Peter Schouten.

Seri’s Tree Kangaroo
(Dendrolagus stellarum)
Illustration – Peter Schouten

Distribution of the Seri’s Tree Kangaroo
References: Mammals of new Guinea – Tim Flannery (1995) and Tree Kangaroos – a curious natural history – Tim Flannery, Roger Martin and Alexandra Szalay (1996). Illustrations Peter Schouten.
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