Saving the Planet
TCA wants to mitigate climate change. We do not want to see global temperatures rise. We do not want to see economies and ecosystems collapse around the world as a result of climate change. The New Guinea rainforest is the third largest rainforest in the world after the Amazon and Congo which means PNG has a huge role to play in mitigating climate change. TCA has two major projects that could be incorporated into a REDD+ or Payment for Environmental Services scheme that will minimise greenhouse gas emissions in PNG. They both need to be funded.
We will participate in REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from avoided Deforestation and Degredation) and PES (Payment for Environmental Services) to combat global warming and climate change, relive poverty and improve health.
Component 1: Access to Carbon Markets
Increase understanding of climate change and carbon markets in preparation for participating in REDD+ or PES projects if successful.
- Provided awareness on Climate Change 100%
- Currently working with international partners to improve Forest Governance 100%
- Conducted Carbon Assessments 100%
Major activities include staying up to date with relevant local participation in REDD+ and PES projects, conduct training activities throughout the project area in preparation for REDD+/PES projects.
TCA has been one of the first organisations in Papua New Guinea to conduct awareness on climate change and carbon trading.
Contact us to receive a copy of the Carbon Trading Information Booklet.
This book, written in Pidgin English provided village communities with an explanation of what climate change and carbon trading is all about. For many people this was the first time they had any understanding of the concept. TCA also provided villages with practical experience on how to measure carbon using a scientific method.
TCA has implemented a peer education program on climate change and carbon awareness to all participating villages. We are currently working with Birdlife International and other regional partners to improve Forest Governance.
Component 2: Mitigate Climate Change
Implement innovative ideas that mitigate carbon emissions and avoid forest degradation or deforestation throughout the rainforest communities.
The Tenkile Conservation Alliance has been working with local communities in terms of providing education programs on climate change and carbon trading in preparation for possible PES/REDD projects since 2007.
The TCA has recognised three simple carbon mitigating projects that could be easily implemented throughout the project area to offset carbon emissions in developed countries. Once we have proven it is successful it would be easily transferred into other village communities throughout PNG, providing a fantastic model for mitigating climate change.
Project1: Solar Lighting
- 30 village solar lights installed – 350 to go! 12%
- 46 household lighting units installed – 2654 to go! 2%
Major activities include the implementation of solar street lights and solar household lighting throughout the project area. Both of these projects have massive benefits not only for the environment but for improving peoples health.
Solar street lights provide people with access to walk freely throughout the village, particularly women.
Solar household lighting provides people with lighting within the home for the first time.
Currently people use dried bamboo or fires to provide lighting inside the house at night. If people have access to money they may buy torches but these are often not maintained without access to money to buy batteries. NB: Kerosene lamps were a light source previously but stopped being used in the area around 2012.
Using wood for light requires the cutting down trees, emitting greenhouse gases and inhaled by people especially indoors. Solar is a health benefit too, another win win project that you can donate to.
Project 2: The Bedding Project
The ‘Bedding Project’ is a project ready to go, aiming to deliver everyone person in each of our villages with a mattress, sleeping bag & mosquito net.
TCA has identified this project in consultation with the villages it works with. The Bedding Project, would minimise firewood use and improve health of the local people.
This project would be implemented in three stages:
- Conduct research to understand the level of carbon currently emitted from various activities that use firewood.
- Deliver mattresses, sleeping bags and mosquito nets to 13,000+ people
- Measure the effectiveness of this strategy, recording improvements in health, cases of malaria and poverty reduction.
Project 3: Solar Cookers
If people were provided with solar powered cookers they would not cook as often on a fire. Solar driers would also assist with preserving food, vanilla and cocoa the two major cash crops in the project area.
TCA has many potential PES/REDD offset projects it could implement.
For more information about offsetting your carbon emissions please contact us.
Component 3: Be a role model
Work with rainforest communities to develop and model good forest governance and to be influential leaders within the Oceania Region and Globally.
- Forest Governance Training Delivered 100%
- Village Land Boundary Mapping 100%
The Tenkile Conservation Alliance has been working with local communities and International partners towards improving Forest Governance in PNG. Please see our webpage dedicated to this project.
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There are many valuable ways in which you can contribute to the Tenkile Conservation Alliance’s vision – which is, the people of PNG value and protect their natural resources, their community and their culture.
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