Forest Governance Project
About the Project
TCA is currently working with the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) to build capacity, our networks, policies and advocacy on improving Forest Governance in Papua New Guinea. This project is led by Birdlife International and partly funded by the European Union. TCA is working in collaboration with four other project partners Burung Indonesia, Malaysian Nature Society and Haribon in the Philippines.
The project called “Strengthening non-state actor involvement in Forest Governance in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea” will take place over five years (2017 – 2021) with an investment of €355,659 Euro from the European Union to TCA. The overall aim is to empower and enhance the involvement of non-state actors in forest monitoring, nature conservation, and policy processes, at important forest landscapes in the region.
Specifically, TCA will be conducting various capacity building workshops to help local communities monitor their forests including carbon assessments in preparation for REDD+ projects and biodiversity assessments. TCA will provide training to stakeholders in forest Governance and improve its institutional governance. TCA will be receiving technical assistance from the University of Papua New Guinea GIS and Remote sensing centre to monitor forests remotely and produce maps for proper land-use planning with local communities. TCA aims to become more involved in National Policy development in terms of forest management and governance informing Government Policy directly.
What we have achieved so far
- Forest Governance training held with CIDT
- Conflict Resolution training with Land Mediators
- Genealogy training
- SMART / Cyber tracker training with IUCN
- Three TCA staff trained in GIS mapping with University of Papua New Guinea
- Landuse planning drafts with village maps produced
- Torricelli Mountain Range Conservation Area Management Plan completed
- Lessons Learned document completed
- Participated in a National Inception workshop in Port Moresby with UPNG hosting the event
- Participated in and facilitated a two week ‘Improving Forest Governance’ course for staff, government and key stakeholders to address key policy priorities and capacity needs – held at TCA Base-Lumi
- 24 TCA, 18 Local Level and four Provincial Government staff participating – total 46
- Focused on forest governance assessment, corruption, climate change and REDD+
- GIS training on land boundary mapping, which is important for local communities to strategically map their land boundaries
- UPNG established the ‘National Stakeholders Committee’ in PNG’s capital – Port Moresby
- TCA held a meeting and workshop in Lumi, three days at TCA Base-Lumi, with 50 indigenous communities (villages) to develop conservation plans for their customary lands – the Torricelli Mountain Range; 50 men and 50 women participated
- UPNG met with representatives from the Sandaun Provincial Government to gain their support of the project
- TCA met with EU-PNG in Port Moresby discussed scope and potential impact of the project and showed the documentary ‘Into The Jungle‘
- TCA conducted camera trapping – capturing images of mammals and birds. Data will be used for research to monitor biodiversity levels and patterns within the rainforest, strengthening forest governance and the proposed ‘Torricelli Mountain Range Conservation Area’
- TCA organised meetings with the PNG Governments’ Forest Authority and the Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA). Both meetings discussed project and progress on legislation – Protected Area and REDD+ bills
- Visit by Sandaun Provincial Governor and team to TCA Base-Lumi during ‘Improving Forest Governance’ course. Sandaun Provincial Government fully briefed on project
- Regional Project Manager visiting PNG for work planning and meeting stakeholders
- Forest Governance Forum held 27th – 30th September 2021 with a presentation by COO Jean Thomas
- SMART and Cybertracker Training in Lumi September 22nd to October 2nd with PNG consultant Daniel Okena funded by BIOPAMA. Rangers were peer to peer trained by TCA staff in the villages and data collected in the field and downloaded to the computer.
- UPNG Carbon Assessment and GIS Training held in Vanimo from December 13th 2021 until December 23rd 2021
- Land use plans for 50 villages has been completed by Australian Volunteer Carl Hayward.
More Information
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Progress report July – Dec 2018
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Progress report July – Dec 2018
- Contact us to receive a copy of the From Roots to Canopy Document
- Centre for People and Forests – Mekong Forest Governance Project
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2021
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2020
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2019
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2018
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2017
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2016
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2015
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2014
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2013
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2012
- Contact us to receive a copy of the TCA Annual Report 2011
Other achievements that complement this project are funded by the United Nations Development Project Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program
- Submission of Proposed Torricelli Mountain Range Conservation (2015- present)
- Coordination of 226 clans and written support to establish the Torricelli Mountain Range Conservation Area
- GPS mapping of Torricelli Mountain Range Conservation Area
- Camera trapping research and increasing knowledge of biodiversity in the local area
- TCA Australia hosted Into the Jungle Movie screening events – a high visibility action for the EU
- TCA PNG staff attended screening events
- TCA staff completed the Diploma of Business Governance training (Australia), including policy development for strengthening institutional capacity
- TCA has developed new international networks in support of this project e.g.: International Rangers Federation, Thin Green Line Foundation, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
- Cameras were purchased for field staff to better capture project activities, including biodiversity of the project site which can be used as additional evidence of forest condition
- Monitoring and Evaluation training was delivered to lead staff who will now train others
- Discussions on REDD+ policies occurred with local and provincial governments
- TCA was awarded the Biodiversity Award by the Prince Albert of Monaco II
- New Project and Research Officers have be appointed
- Celebration of International Day of Forests
- New Policy and Procedures training for all staff and induction of new Board members
Forest Governance Partner Organisation Website Links
- Haribon Foundation: https://haribon.org.ph/our-four-pillars/empowering-people/forest-governance-project-or-fogop/
- Malaysian Nature Society (MNS): https://myforestwatch.weebly.com/my-team.html
- Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) – TCA: https://myforestwatch.weebly.com/tenkile-conservation-alliance.html
Forest Goverance Partners

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