TCA Achievements
We did it!
We want to acknowledge and thank all of our sponsors and donors who have supported our work for more than 20 years and we are still going strong. During this time, we have achieved a lot, more than many other conservation-based organisations working in Papua New Guinea and even the PNG government and churches. This page is a dedication to all of those achievements and everyone who has supported us in making it happen.
2020-2023 – Successful delivery and installation of 8005 solar household lighting units to 143 villages and 350 solar street lights to 43 villages. This was due to the generous contribution from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Economic Social Impact Program under the Pawarim Komuniti Grant.
2015 – 2020 – Successful delivery and installation of 50 fish ponds, 800 tin roofing iron on houses. This was due to the generous support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) working under the Strengthening Protected Areas project in Papua New Guinea with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Conservation Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) as our partners.
2007-2018 – Successful delivery and installation of 350 water tanks in 50 villages and one toilet per household (2,690) with the generous support of the European Union working under the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program (RWSSP) and WaterAid.
2004-2007 – successful delivery of rabbit and chicken farming projects in 23 villages. Rabbits continue to exists successfully nearly 20 years later at Wigote village. This was due to the generous support from the Australian Government under the Community Development Scheme, Sandaun Provincial Government, Sustainable Development Program, Seacology, New Zealand Aid and Canada Aid.
2001 – 2020 – Successful establishment of TCA’s research and education base in Lumi, West Sepik Province. This is our home and our hub of all activities providing a base for our staff, visitors and partners at the southern foothills of the Torricelli Mountain Range. This massive vision would not be complete without the generours support of our donors from the Sustainable Development Program (SDP), Australian High Commission, New Zealand Aid, Canada Aid, Global Environment Facility (GEF),
2001- present day – thank-you to all of our donors and partners who have provided us with unconditional support many of them year after year. Your support helps support our staff, our tree kangaroos, our base maintenance and all of those things our major grants will not fund. There are so many of you namely Segre Foundation, Zoos Victoria (Biological Foundation and RNHP), Krefeld Zoo, Perth Zoo, Rostock Zoo, Berlin Zoo, Belfast Zoo, Cologne Zoo, Frankfurt Zoo, ARAZPA, Australian Volunteers International (AVI), Dunbavin, Future for Nature, Whitely Award and Wildlife Conservation Network (WCN)
All other support has been to provide education awareness, helping to establish the Conservation Area and work with community engagement and empowerment. For these organisations we thank-you, European Union via Birdlife International and BIOPAMA, Mohamed Bin Zayed, Otter Foundation, POM Nature Park, Rufford Small Grant, WAZA, WWF and St Louis Zoo.
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There are many valuable ways in which you can contribute to the Tenkile Conservation Alliance’s vision – which is, the people of PNG value and protect their natural resources, their community and their culture.
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