Special Projects
Rokrok meri’s Project:
We are very excited to announce that we have funding from Perth Zoo to build our Ranger workforce with a new group of female rangers known as ROKROK MERI’S. Rokrok is pidgin English for frog and meri means women. Women are traditionally hunters of frogs for food and we’d like to know a little bit more about PNG’s frogs so who better to ask then PNG women.
Forest Governance Project:
This project called “Strengthening non-state actor involvement in forest governance in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Papua New” is a five year project funded by the European Union and managed by Birdlife International. This project will improve the monitoring of PNG’s forests focusing on the Torricelli Mountain Range.
BIOPAMA Project:
This project called “Mapping and Monitoring the Torricelli Mountain Range Conservation Area (TMRCA)” is a one year project funded by the European Union BIOPAMA Small technical Grant. This project will supply the equipment and training we need to improve data collection and storage from the Torricelli Mountain Range and surrounding villages.
Pawarim Komuniti – Solar Project:
This project called “Kamapim Pawa” under the Pawarim Komuniti program under the Economic Social Improvement Program (ESIP) is funded by the Australian Governments Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). This is an 18 month project that will supply solar lighting to 2690 households in 50 villages.
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There are many valuable ways in which you can contribute to the Tenkile Conservation Alliance’s vision – which is, the people of PNG value and protect their natural resources, their community and their culture.
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