Saving TCA
TCA has been established since 2001. It has maintained and improved TCA Base-Lumi into an epicentre for conservation and development within Sandaun Province and Papua New Guinea. It requires on-going funding to keep operating at its present level including the employment of local staff who care for our captive Tree Kangaroos and TCA Base assets.
We will provide good governance, due diligence, build capacity and ensure sustainability in our operations and projects.
Component 1: Good Governance
Develop necessary governance documentation, publications, systems and structures to improve the success of receiving support for TCA.
- Establishment of TCA in Australia as a charity with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status 100%
- Development of various Policy and Procedure documents 100%
- Annual Audit reports since TCA was established in 2001 100%
- Establishment of formal membership system and structure 100%
- Development of systems and structures within the community to ensure sustainability of projects 100%
TCA established as a charity in Australia in 2016 to support the benevolent objectives of TCA in Papua New Guinea. The Australian Company Limited by Guarantee ACN # 61 607 526 456 has received charitable status with tax deductibility for donors and an online donation portal via this website.
TCA Ltd in Australia aims to build its capacity to become a signatory to the ACFID code of Conduct and follow the pathway to accountability. With this in place, TCA Ltd will be able to form valuable fundraising activities and collaborations to expand TCA’s benevolent objectives within PNG. At the same time TCA in PNG will be working closely with the Board to improve its internal Governance and compliance.
Component 2: TCA Base-Lumi
Provide a central location for community representatives and TCA staff to meet, attend workshops and discuss the workings of the Tenkile Conservation Alliance.
- Infrastructure developed at TCA Base-Lumi to accommodate community representatives and TCA staff 100%
TCA Base – Lumi
The Tenkile Conservation Alliance (TCA) is based in Lumi which is situated on the Sepik Highway approximately one kilometre from the airstrip. TCA has a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Local Level Government and traditional landowners to use this property, which is about 2 hectares in area. TCA has occupied this land since 2002.
The primary purpose of TCA Base-Lumi is to provide a permanent centre for the stakeholder villages to communicate, conduct meetings, workshops and training for the development of TCA’s programs.
Over the years TCA Base-Lumi has evolved from a simple bush material house with a pit toilet to a permanent compound securely enclosed by a cyclone fence. The base contains the following facilities:
- Training centre with office and bathrooms
- Research Station with office
- Generator and solar power
- Desktop and laptop computers
- Data projectors and photocopiers
- Chest freezers
- Septic toilets and bush material VIP toilets
- Shower block
- Water tanks
- Bush material accommodation blocks (sleeps up to 100 people)
- Permanent guest house (sleeps up to 13 people)
- Amenities block
Three senior staff are accommodated and based permanently at the TCA Base-Lumi. There are also animal enclosures containing Tree Kangaroos, possums, birds and reptiles. The TCA fish breeding facilities are all part of the TCA base infrastructure.
Lumi Research Station – To hire the facilities in Lumi please contact us.
Each year the TCA conducts three to four meetings in Lumi, which involves all TCA staff (37 project staff and 10 support staff), two representatives from all 50 villages (total of 100 people), local Advisory Committee members (16 people) and any interested local level government representatives. So it is not uncommon for us to have at least 150 people in the training centre discussing and learning about TCA activities.
At the TCA meetings we provide the village representatives with all the literature they need to stay up to date. Most TCA staff have been given a mobile phone by TCA which can be accessed by most villages via the Digicel mobile phone network.
In Australia we manage all of our online communications include this website www.tenkile.com, our facebook page and twitter account.
In addition TCA staff regularly visit and communicate its work throughout the project area during village patrols. This occurs at least three times a year during project implementation.
Component 3: TCA Assets
Maintain the current assets that exist at the TCA Base-Lumi.
Activities include the engagement of full time staff at TCA Base-Lumi, who manage the base assets including animals, gardens and security personnel.
To help sponsor our staff become a regular donor –
Component 4: TCA Leadership
Maintain and extend the TCA business and office, especially the capacity of communities to develop leadership, management and administrative capabilities.
Activities include providing updates to the Webmaster, attending networking events, grant writing activities and maintaining good governance procedures and accounting records with regular training with local stakeholders and staff.
With the assistance of Stephen Gold, WCN and the UNDP GEF small grants project, 43 local TCA staff now have access to solar power and laptop computers at their houses in their village. This is the very first time our staff have received such valuable support within their village communities.
Personal and Professional Development
TCA aims to develop the capacity of its staff and the people in the local village communities to ensure sustainability of the organisation and all our programs. With personal and professional development training, we believe our staff will be equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to manage TCA well into the future.
Personal and professional development training programs will focus on building peoples’ emotional intelligence such as self-esteem (the competence-confidence loop), building empathy and compassion. TCA aims in creating peace, eliminating drama and the poverty cycle and anger management training for village communities. Professional development training for TCA staff includes project management, communication, computer training, financial management training, leadership training, grant writing and capacity building.
We think there is enormous opportunity for community exchange and collaboration here. If your organisation is interested in collaborating with us or wants to fund this program please contact us.
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There are many valuable ways in which you can contribute to the Tenkile Conservation Alliance’s vision – which is, the people of PNG value and protect their natural resources, their community and their culture.
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